Welcome to our VBAC section.  I think that the topic of VBAC is so important and there are always VBAC stories and inspiration needed.  But I am not a VBAC mama and I have never really felt like I could speak about this from a true place of knowledge.  
One day one of our mothers on the Mama Birth Facebook page mentioned that she had just had a fabulous VBA3C and I asked her if she could answer some questions for our readers.  That is how this section got started and I am so incredibly proud of it.  
I am so grateful for the VBAC mamas out there who have answered the questions and shared their individual journey's.  I am sure that if you are planning a VBAC you will find inspiration and words of wisdom from the powerful women.  


Other resources for VBAC moms-


Jenmex said…
This is a great source of information for me thank you. I am planning a VBAC, baby is due in October.
I am wondering why a VBAC is considered such an out of the ordinarty thing, or why the big deal? - is it because a lot of doctors deny a women to try or because a VBAC is more difficult (aside from the small risks that is).
Unknown said…
I can't thank you enough for posting so many inspirational VBAC stories! How wonderful to learn about all of these powerful, determined mothers. They give me so much strength and faith that my VBA2C will be a reality in 2014!!! Many thanks.

Once a Caesarean, Always a Choice