South Carolina Birth Centers Threatened

I recently had a childbirth instructor from South Carolina contact me concerning the possible closure of South Carolina birthing centers due to new interpretations of regulations regarding physician oversight.  

I wanted to share what she send me with you.  I believe strongly that change in birth and options for women and their babies will only come when we as women demand it and try to make a change.  Below is more information and I encourage you to share or respond as appropriate and as you see fit.  

Thank you!

The SC DHEC's new interpretations of the regulations require a physician to respond onsite at the birth center if a patient experiences complications.  There has been no change of the regulation just the interpretation.
Charleston Birth Place received a letter from DHEC on Saturday (the Saturday before Thanksgiving!) citing them for failure to comply with birth center regulations. They have 15 days to respond. CBP will be filing a lawsuit on Monday asking for a stay on the suspension.
Immediate enforcement of the new regulatory policy puts the birth centers of SC at risk of closure.

You can read Charleston birth place's press release here: is

Please visit to learn how you can help and sign the petition:

And here are our birth center’s stats from its opening until June of 2013 
Transfer in labor 12% 
Emergent transfer in labor 0.1% 
C/S rate 7% 
Newborn transfer 1.5% 
Emergent newborn transfer 0.3% 
Maternal post partum transfer 0.8% 
Emergent maternal post partum transfer 0.3% 
Apgar less than 7 at min 0.5% 
Neonatal mortality 0 
Maternal mortality 0 
Exclusive breastfeeding rate 80% 
Total births to date >1,100

Please help spread the word!

Aurore Ernest-Jones, a childbirth educator and doula sent me this information.  You can find her website here if you are in her area.  


noorachen said…
Thank you for sharing this! I am one of the affected mamas--my son was born at Charleston Birth Place in November 2011 and I hope my second child can be born there next June. It is a wonderful center and we are not letting it go down without a fight!
Kimberly H said…
Thanks for posting this! Like noorachen, I gave birth at CBP in 2011, and it far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. I had a beautiful pregnancy and birth experience and credit a lot of that to the wonderful women at the birth center. I am so frustrated by what DHEC is doing and how they can't seem to get their own story straight. I am SO saddened that South Carolina is in danger of taking a huge step backwards in regards to childbirth options. The support from other moms like you is greatly appreciated!
Mary P. said…
An update - DHEC (governing agency in SC) has backed off closing any licensed birthing centers and has pledged to work cooperatively in drafting new legislation for reasonable regulations. (There was a huge outcry here in Charleston that I believe contributed to that decision.)