No More Cloth Diapers
I think I may have just washed my last cloth diaper.
No, nobody potty trained. This post is actually an act of crunchy heresy. I have switched to disposables.
I was never a die-hard cloth diaper woman. I can admit it- I wasn't motivated by chemicals or environmental impact. I did cloth because I couldn't afford not to.
Then one day we had a bunch of throw-out diapers and my husband kept putting them on the baby and I finally asked- "Are we not doing cloth anymore?" And he said- "No."
I had a bin full of grody cloth diapers and I just looked at them. They taunted me. "Wash me," they said.
I finally washed them today. And I think they will be rags.
I guess I can't be sure. I might go back to cloth one day. Maybe all my readers will leave vile messages about how only devil worshipers use bleached disposables from Costco. Maybe somebody will get a horrid rash or never potty train. (My last cloth baby still likes to pee whenever so I don't buy that reason for cloth anymore. I finally just started letting her pee in the panties.) Do you know that people act like genitals simply explode if exposed to disposable diapers? They do. (Not the exploding part- the part about people saying that.)
You know what I can admit though?
I have had four kids and changed thousands of diapers and I can now admit that I simply don't enjoy it that much. I don't really love poop. I don't really love wiping up poop. Mine or yours. I think part of the reason we HAVE the birth high and the hormone oxytocin is so that we will actually be willing to deal with poop for the rest of our lives. I don't think it ever goes away.
I don't like poop in any kind of diaper. It is however slightly more repugnant when I have to take the poopy diaper and swish it in the toilet, then throw it in the bin, then dump the bin into the washing machine, then wash it. It just ends up being a lot of poop. And I am just so OVER IT. And the small amount of superiority I might have felt by using cloth diapers really doesn't make up for it. (I'm just kidding. I never felt superior because I did cloth diapers. I know we are all created equally. Except for those of us who try harder.)
I know some of you are thinking, "She hates poop- she should do EC. If only she knew about elimination communication she would be poop free and her little children would dump in the toilet! I will leave a comment on how she should start practicing elimination communication."
But if you were thinking that then you are sure to have forgotten that this is not my first rodeo. I am not NEW to the whole "natural living" thing. Oh no- I am as crunchy as they come and I actually did the whole "EC" THING with my second child. She never crapped in her pants until she was like one or something and we went on vacation and then moved and then my life fell apart and that stopped working.
The truth is that EC is pretty great but incredibly hard if you have four young children and there is a serious amount of PARENT TRAINING involved and frankly- I don't train easy. The last time I had a baby over the toilet some toddler was rolling in a mud puddle in a white dress and that just makes me want to freak out. (I'm just kidding about the white dress/baby pooping in the toilet thing. That never happened but it COULD have happened and it WOULD have happened if I had tried to communicate about eliminating with my third or fourth child. I swear it.)
I think I am done. Not just with cloth diapers but also (good news for you) with this most awful of blog posts.
Don't be afraid of leaving a comment. Unless it is about elimination communication- in that case, just come back later and tell me how much you hate epidurals.
Peace out.
I'm not a 'all or nothing' kind of person. I'm an 'all over the place' kind, LOL. As in, my brains are scrambled from wall to wall with the kids toys and this reply and I DO NOT JUDGE YOU ONE TEENY SMUDGE.
Also, my epidural saved my VBAC (my first birth was a Doula-assisted natural birth turned unnecessarean when I didn't hit transition until an hour after I made it to a 10 and I refused to do the coached pushing anymore that I kept telling them I didn't want to do in the first place) and then I got to spend the next 10 months not killing myself from the PPD. Was it worth it? Sure. Would I do it again? FUCK NO.
Uh, I should be in bed... Still, just wanted to say: I feel you.
So all I'm saying is, you've got a reader in me who is definitely NOT judging you!!!
Yeah, you can pick out pretty colors and prints or get fancy new styles, but at the end of the day they are sitting in a diaper pail full of pee and poop.
We choose to cloth diaper because of the chemicals in disposibles...but I dont blame you one bit for this honest post!!
Baby cloth diapers