A Home Birthing Nurse, Baby Born In The Sac!
Scarlett's Birthday
When I first got pregnant with my fourth child I knew I wanted a
natural birth. I had looked into a nurse midwife at the hospital I work with but
I knew she was "too medical" and has a high c-section rate. A friend of
mine, Lisa is a nurse midwife who does home births. I had always dreamed of
having a home birth but I figured getting DH on board would be difficult.
We met
with Lisa and surprisingly he was on board! I got a lot of slack from family and
co-workers(I am a nurse). I assured them I knew to trust my body and everything
would be ok. We decided that if I was going to do a home birth I would go all
out and do a water birth like I had always wanted. Although my DH did not want
to get in the pool-he thought it would be too messy.
I woke up having "surges" at 6:45 am. I sat on the toilet and rocked for a
few moments before I woke up DH to fill up my pool in the living room. I called
Lisa and when I wasn't able to talk through the surges which were coming
sporadically she decided to come. I called my sister to pick up my 8 yr
old daughter who stayed the night at MIL's. She was going to be there to
see the birth. I sat on the toilet and rocked/breathed until the pool was
ready. 30 min seemed like hours.
I got in the pool as my daughter and sister
arrived. Immediately I felt the urge to push. The warm water had relaxed my
body. DH called Lisa to see how close she was to the house. He was worried about
having to catch the baby. I gave quick little pushes as I leaned over the side
of the pool while awaiting her arrival.
My 8 yr old and sister made
the baby a Happy Birthday cake in the kitchen. Red velvet (since
her name is Scarlett) Whoever thinks you can tell a woman in labor to
stop pushing is crazy! Lisa arrived a few minutes later. She told me to go ahead
and push.
With my 8 yr old standing at the end of the pool next to Lisa our
daughter Scarlett was born at 8:50 am "en caul" with a little veil around
her face (the amniotic sac). Buddhist for good luck in life.
I held her
wrapped in towels until her cord stopped pulsating then handed her to daddy so
the placenta could be born and I could get out of the pool.
What an amazing experience for my whole family. So empowering knowing that
I could trust my body and instincts. A great experience for my daughter
to remember when she is having her own children-women's bodies are
I was able to relax at home uninterrupted my medical
personnel with my children and have my family come see us. I was able to go
to bed that night with my DH and daughter in our own bed.