Breasts, Beyond Playboy (The Things Nobody Tells You)

Birth has show me so many new things that my body is capable of.....some I would rather forget.

~The sisters are now independently movable. You must now line up the headlights before leaving the house- (You wouldn't want them pointing in opposite directions now would you?)

~You may be capable of lying on your back and nursing a child lying to your side. Seems impossible, but actually, can be done.

~You now realize why older women have difficulty finding a bra that "fits." Bra shopping is much easier when they actually hold themselves up.

~You can get stretch marks on places OTHER than your stomach. And lots of them.

~You can carry a role of quarters with no hands (don't make me explain this.)

~Going running? Buy two bras.

~Need to nurse a child strapped in a car seat? No problem!

~Of course, you can now sustain human life. So that is the bonus...


Christina said…
"~You may be capable of lying on your back and nursing a child lying to your side. Seems impossible, but actually, can be done."
Ha - I couldn't do this until my kiddo was nearly a year, but now do it all the time...
Anonymous said…
Ha! While I wasn't capable of actually nursing until I had a child, all that other stuff was already a concern for me. Misaligned headlights, finding bras that fit, stretch marks, roll of quarters, two bras (regular and sports) for running. Otherwise I would have given myself a black eye!