Pure Joy On Dad's Face- Birth Photography

I hope you are still loving the birth photography from Sophia (Sophia's Special Deliveries- Doula and Birth Photographer in Sonoma County).  I love these ones because they capture so well the happiness that a baby brings to the WHOLE family.

Birth is amazing!!!

From the photographer:

"Four generations of women in the last picture. Love the way dad and his father-in-law are looking at baby! Also, love the photo with her and her father. During her labor, she was rushed into the OR for decels in heart rate for baby. The doctor was able to correct heart rate in the OR and checked her to find her complete and ready to push. They actually wheeled her back into delivery to birth vaginally! I've never seen them RETURN a mom from the OR for a vaginal birth before."

Dad's face!

Dad and his father-in-law (grandpa).
Mama with her own father.  So touching.
Four generations of women.  Love.


Marisa said…
These pictures make my heart melt. :) So beautiful!!
Rae said…
Beautiful, nicely done. Lots of emotion.
Megan Hutchings said…
So beautiful! My own grandmothers both passed away before I was 10. My mom has only made it to one of my three births (and she wasn't even in the room for it).

That photo of four generations made me start to cry. I silently told my grandmothers in Heaven, "I sure wish you could have been there." Then somewhere within I heard them say with smiles, "But we were!"

Thank you for sharing these! Life is oh so beautiful!