Obstetric Lie #93- "I Need You To Take Off Your Pants"

Few things make a nice girl feel more vulnerable than being stripped down and spread eagle with her feet in some stirrups. Add to this that you are probably with a man who is not your lover and considerably pregnant and we have the makings for a modern maternity system that step by step degrades, dehumanizes, and objectifies women.
We are of course talking about the vaginal exam. Oh, but not just ANY vaginal exam, the obstetric lie we will discuss today is the PREGNANCY vaginal exam. It is embarrassing, largely unnecessary, uncomfortable, potentially dangerous, demeaning and yet......rarely questioned and routinely done. (We will save the LABOR vaginal exam for another day.)
Maybe you are thinking, "Has this angry mommy blogger lost her mind? Why is she talking about something that everybody does? Isn't that necessary?" One of the amazing and pervasive things about these obstetric lies is that most of them are so deeply ingrained into our pregnancy/birthing experience that we don't even question them. They are just routine - a part of our introduction to the mythical, secret, and supposedly painful world of childbearing.
Well, the pregnancy vaginal exam isn't really necessary. Really - it isn't. I am not making this up nor have I gone crazy. There isn't a lot of need for you to have somebody touch your cervix while you are in labor, much less a month before your supposed "due date". (My gosh, when do these myths end? There are just so many!)
The pregnancy vaginal exam is particularly disturbing to me though because it subtly lays the groundwork for a deep physical mistrust of our own body. (This thing could just start opening up at any moment without warning!) AND it also sends a clear message about the importance of experts to measure your progress and ability to give birth. (You might not be able to do this! The female body is frequently broken!)
Much more than just a simple procedure, the vaginal exam teaches the woman preparing for birth some lessons that the obstetric model of care is eager to have her learn:
1) You need to do things that make you uncomfortable and that are embarrassing.
2) Experts know more about your body than you do-you can't even see what is going on inside your secret dark recesses.
3) Things could go wrong at any moment. Your body and your birth is an accident waiting to happen, thus the exam.
4) Do what the experts tell you to, even (or especially) if they make no sense and you have no idea why they are being done.
5) You are NOT in control. We are. (The vaginal exam is a clear display of power, particularly MALE power. The only reason we don't really recognize this anymore is because it is so common place we have forgotten to question it. Would you EVER do this for no good reason? These are your very private parts, usually reserved for your closest companion OR to detect disease OR for some type of internal surgery. Yes, doctors sometimes need to look into our bodies to determine the 'need' for internal surgery. Is it any wonder that this is a routine part of our maternity care in a country where the surgical birth is at a raging high?)
The book Birth As An American Rite of Passage is incredibly and deeply perceptive as it picks apart the reasons behind so many obstetric rituals. Of the vaginal exam, Robbie Davis-Floyd says, "Frequent cervical checks drive home to the laboring woman the physical significance of the messages about time, about the suspected defectiveness of her own body, and about her lack of status and power relative to the hospital staff..." (pg 112)
Maybe you are thinking, "Well, maybe, but what harm is really done? I don't want to make waves at my appointments. I can go with the flow and still have a great birth."
Let me tell you about two real live women that I knew.
The first was a first time mom. She got the routine exams. About four weeks before her due date her doctor found her to be about four centimeters dilated. He didn't do anything except mention that she would most likely have her baby early. (Who doesn't want to hear that when they are 38 weeks right?!) But we know that dilation, though it does give us some interesting information, does not tell us without a doubt when the baby will come. This mama had the same exam and was told the same thing for the next four weeks. Yes, she went all the way to her due date and had a perfectly healthy and wonderful baby. At forty weeks. Despite the emotional turmoil that this caused, this mama was fine. I would not however disregard the effects on an already emotional pregnant woman though when it comes to false expectations for her labor and birth.
Our second mama was also a first time mom. She did not however get so lucky and escape with only some emotional upset. I talked to her while pregnant. She was excited and really hoping for a natural birth but didn't have time for a birth class. She also had routine vaginal exams and a few weeks before her due date was found to be four centimeters dilated. This sent the staff into an immediate panic! She could have the baby at any moment! We wouldn't want it to just fall out on a bus or something! So, of course, they started an induction right then and there. Pitocin followed by this and that and an epidural and... out of the blue a baby that needs to be saved from the labor via a c-section. Mama is not planning to VBAC. She believes that the system saved her baby.
I wouldn't dare make fun of a mother who believes this. It may seem like I am reading into things a bit much, but follow my logic here for a minute. This c-section did not just come out of nowhere. It did not even start with the epidural or the pitocin or the induction. This c-section started with the systematic dehumanization of the mother through an unnecessary procedure; the pregnancy vaginal exam.
There is a reason women believe in the system and it is because the system is very convincing. These unnecessary surgeries don't often just happen out of the nowhere. They grow out of a specific methodology that begins the PREGNANCY (not just the birth) by looking at it as though it is pathological. There are procedures throughout the pregnancy that send powerful messages about your ability to work as a female and about who really knows what is best for you and your baby. The vaginal exam is only one of many, but because of the nature of the exam (nudity, supine position, another more powerful person inserting their hand into your body) it is particularly convincing and powerful.
This is a simple enough thing to change ladies. We need only decline this procedure or find care providers who do not routinely do it. Keep your pants on. Therein lies great power.
(Of course, as with any obstetric test or procedure, there are times when it is necessary. Do your research, find somebody you can trust, and have faith in your birth.)
On the other hand, I went to get a sonogram at 8 weeks with baby number 2, and the doctor (a friend of ours) assumed we would be doing an internal one. Didn't even ask. I was like, "Uhhh no! If we can't see the baby from outside, we'll come back another time." lol
Just leave your pants on!!!
Granted, I had not had a pap for probably 5 years before hand.. but I also probably wouldn't have rushed to be tested after the birth if I didn't know something was not quite right already.
I hate the lie that women buy into that doctors know our bodies better than we do!
I was delighted with my 3rd pregnancy after the first two and routine check-up with pants down every 3 weeks in another country! I was saved all the stress and discomfort the third time and what a blissful pregnancy it was.
So if you plan on having a baby move to the UK :)
I would, however, encourage women to check themselves and get familiar with everything down there. You can get pregnant on the first try if you know when you are fertile and can check for dilation if you feel cramping in pregnancy. Then, if you know your body well, you will preseumably suspect if something isn't right and can call a professional if needed. Nothing wrong with professionals who treat you respectfully and as an informed partner in health care. My midwives are very helpful and incredibly knowledgeable...oh, and they're *only* CPMs! (The senior's been practicing over 40 years and I think she's seen just about everything!)
Quite frankly, the whole procedure soundly extremely violating, which is why even as a woman in her early 20s, I haven't gotten a pap test.
So there, OBGYN!! And then as soon as my midwife/homebirth was approved through my insurance, I fired his ass. :D
I win :)
;) I'm glad she hadn't
During my first birth, I had about 5 or 6 exams. Maybe that was part of what kept me from progressing and lead to my cesarean.
Neither of my children are living. Our daughter died in the womb and we have no idea why or exactly how she died. We found out at 16.5wks that there was no heartbeat and she was born (on my own, no drugs, in the ladies room of our local ER) at 17 weeks.
Our son was born 18 months later and rather unexpectedly fast on his due date. He was born feet first at home (was NOT planning on a home birth at all) and fully at the hospital. By the time he was out, he was so deprived of oxygen and exhausted that he gasped twice. It took 15 minutes to revive him. He was born in 3 hours and 10 minutes from first contraction to head.
Based on two horrific natural births (with plenty of drugs afterwards for me to cope with the 2" 2nd degree mostly internal tear! Thanks son!), my next birth will be a scheduled c-section with the OB and Midwife that helped to deliver our son. For my safety and our baby's safety we'll be doing a c-section. After that, I may choose to vbac but I won't know until I get there.
I agree that as natural as you can get is best for most mothers and babies, but for some of us, a planned c-section with a medical team we know and trust is best.
The medical profession seems obsessed with that part of our body.
I often feel more likely risks to our health are overlooked with the focus constantly on our reproductive organs.
I know you also receive far more routine vaginal exams during pregnancy...most of these exams are unnecessary.
I'm Australian, 54 and have never had a routine pelvic or breast exam, neither is recommended here, but in the days when they were, I made an informed decision, after reviewing the evidence, not to have them. The routine pelvic is of poor clinical value, is not a screening test for ovarian cancer and risks your health, even unnecessary surgery. Your Dr Carolyn Westhoff, Ob-Gyn, partly blames this exam for your high hysterectomy rates and the loss of healthy ovaries. (her articles are online) (1 in 3 US women will have a hysterectomy by age 60)
Pap tests - horribly overdone, maximizing the risk of a false positive and over-treatment, which can damage the cervix and lead to infertility, miscarriages, premature babies, c-sections, cervical cerclage etc
Take a look at evidence based programs found in Finland and the Netherlands, 5 yearly from 30 to 60, 7 tests in total. The Finns have the lowest rates in the world for this rare cancer and refer far fewer women for excess biopsies/over-treatment. The Dutch are about to scrap population pap testing and will introduce 5 hrHPV primary triage tests (or self test with the Delphi Screener) at ages 30,35,40,50 and 60 and only the roughly 5% who are HPV+ and at risk will be offered a 5 yearly pap test. Most women are HPV- and not at risk, they can't benefit from pap testing. This is smarter testing, it protects the majority of women who are not at risk from a lifetime of unnecessary pap testing and the high risk of over-treatment and is more likely to save lives by identifying those at risk. As a low risk woman my risk of cc is near zero, the risks were too high for me with our over-screening program and I've always declined pap testing. (lifetime risk of referral with out program is a huge 77%...for a cancer with a 0.65% lifetime risk)
I recently declined mammograms - the Nordic Cochrane Institute, an independent medical research group, have produced a rare, unbiased summary of the evidence (at their website)...the conclusion, little benefit with significant over-diagnosis. Our doctors chose to conceal this risk from us and IMO, inflated the benefits.
The routine breast exam - no evidence it helps, but they lead to excess biopsies.
Some American doctors promote routine visual inspection of the female genitals, too horrifying for words, completely unnecessary.
Sadly, IMO, paternalistic attitudes and powerful vested & political interests exist in women's healthcare, we have to be very careful negotiating this space and of course, emotions run high...making open discussion difficult, especially when most real information is suppressed. Men are not treated in this way...they got real information on prostate screening very quickly and doctors were reminded to obtain informed consent, women are still waiting for these things after decades.
I think the saddest thing is that so many women fear their healthy bodies and need medical reassurance every year that all is well. We have to take control and start trusting our bodies and judgement and also, make informed decisions about exams and tests. It's our body after all and should be our decision.
HPV Today, Edition 24, sets out the new Dutch program.
See the Delphi Bioscience site on HPV self testing.
Not surprised your pap test was "abnormal", the pap test is even more unreliable during pregnancy as the cervix is undergoing change...the result is always unreliable and that's why women should be so advised and even better, not tested at all during pregnancy or for at least 6 months after delivery. Birth trauma can also produce an "abnormal" pap test, so can hormonal changes, infections, inflammation and perfectly normal changes in young and menopausal women - false positives can lead to potentially harmful over-treatment. Many women believe they were saved by this testing/treatment or would have ended up with invasive cancer without treatment - MOST unlikely - almost all of these women have been over-treated after false positive pap tests. The lifetime risk of cc is 0.65% (less than 1%)...the lifetime risk of a referral/false positive...more than 76% in Australia and probably higher in the States as some of your women have annual pap tests. (the most risk for no additional benefit over a 7 pap test program)
It would be far better and safer to offer women HPV primary testing (or self-test) and then only offer pap tests to the fairly small number of women who are HPV+ and at risk instead of testing and "treating" huge numbers of women who are not even at risk.
Over-doing pap tests and screening inappropriately is great for medical profits, but a lousy deal for women.
There is some great discussion going on over at Blogcritics and Unnecessary Pap tests - anyone interested, see you over there!
I will not be bullied into anything that I feel is not right and healthy for my and my baby.
I have a lot more reading and research to do but I am grateful to women like yourself who take the time to share and make sure the education is out there.
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